Reseller Code of Conduct

As a reseller for Supernova LEDs, you must adhere to a Code of Conduct. In your Reseller Contract, this is the thread you must refer to and abide by. Additionally, spam guidelines posted below must also be obeyed.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in termination of your Reseller status.

Code of Conduct
    1. You must always represent Supernova LEDs in a positive manner.
    2. Do not make untrue or inaccurate claims. ie. Supernova LEDs is better because they warranty their LEDs for life. (The Supernova LEDs warranty policy is 1 year)
    3. You must represent yourself as a professional. ie. "OMG BUY DIS SHIZZ" is not acceptable.
    4. Installation services can never be performed on behalf of Supernova LEDs. You are representing yourself as the sole responsible party if you perform installations for customers.

Spam Guidelines for Forums
These spam guidelines don't apply to Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, as these platforms are much more tolerant of spam.
    1. Do not spam your affiliate link.
    2. Read and follow the rules for forums, groups, or any other place that you post your affiliate link.
    3. Most forums do not allow users to post For Sale threads unless you actually own the item. Don't do it.
    4. You must add value to posts when posting links.
    Not Acceptable: BUY LEDS HERE:
    Not Acceptable: This place sells LEDs...
    Usually Not Acceptable: For Sale - Selling LEDs for a Honda Accord, PM me for details.
    Acceptable: I got my LEDs from Supernova LEDs. They were super bright, and were pure white, unlike all the eBay LEDs. Looks like they also have a 1 year warranty on their LEDs. Here's a link:​
    Acceptable: <A FULL REVIEW OF PRODUCT> Here's where I got them from:

Spam Guidelines for Social Media
    1. Do not spam your affiliate link.
    2. Read and follow the rules for forums, groups, or any other place that you post your affiliate link.
    Not Acceptable: BUY LEDS HERE:
    Acceptable for Social Media: <attach a picture> I got some bad ass Dome Lights from here:
    Acceptable: I got my LEDs from Supernova LEDs. They were super bright, and were pure white, unlike all the eBay LEDs. Looks like they also have a 1 year warranty on their LEDs. Here's a link:​

    Failure to adhere to these guidelines can result in termination of your Reseller status.